What is Homeopathy?

Similia similibus curentur – like cures like.
Homeopathy is a system of medical practice that uses various plants, minerals and animal substances in very small doses to stimulate the natural healing system of the body. Homeopathy is based on natural laws that were discovered, formulated, and applied in therapy by the German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann about 200 years ago.

The word “homeopathy” comes from the Greek words “homoios,” meaning similar, and “pathos,” meaning disease. The main law of homeopathy is that “like cures like.” The essence of this law of similarity is that substances in large doses, which are capable of causing disorders of the mind or body in healthy individuals, can be used in diluted form as medicines to treat similar disorders in sick people, regardless of the cause of the illness. The method is based on the principle of stimulating the natural processes of healing in the body.

Homeopathy can also be effective with more unusual or chronic illnesses for which traditional approaches may not always work. In some cases, homeopathy is not exclusively an “alternative” medicine and successfully complements traditional methods of treatment. Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat a wide range of symptoms, including physical, emotional, and psychological manifestations of illness. They are also safe and do not have any negative side effects on the body.
